Saturday 6 September 2014

Own Photographs

The positioning of the sun suggests that the photograph was captured during the morning. The positing of the sun helps give the photograph more detail due to the lighting provided and this has also allowed me to capture the glare from the sun as well as highlighting different parts of the photograph such as the grass. The lighting also provides shadows which helps to create different tones, this can be seen especially in the grass. The colour palette used is broad due to the mixture of different colours used. Soft tones can been seen in this photograph such as the grass area, especially on the bottom right hand side which gives the impression of a painting. The trees in the foreground also appear to have a soft appearance and this is mainly due to the lighting and the positioning of the camera. The aim of the photograph is to capture the glare from the sun from behind the tree as well as capturing the tree and the surrounding area. The photograph could be improved in terms of positioning as the tree is cut off and this may look better if the whole of the tree was captured. 

This photograph contains various lightening throughout such as the sun being captured behind the tree and different parts of the grass being highlighted. The light provided helps to create shadows on the grass which gives more depth to the photograph. The main focus in this photograph is to capture the tree with the sun behind it. The photograph has been taken in a natural environment and the colour palette within the photograph is very subtle, however the light from the sun helps to create different colours due to the glare e.g. red and green.

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